Xiaoping Ren
Ms. Xiaoping Ren gives a lecture at Grouphorse.
Ms. Xiaoping Ren was the former Head of the English Department, Assistant to the President and Vice President of China Foreign Affairs University, Deputy Secretary-General of the Translators Association of China, Vice President of the Translators Association of Beijing, Vice President of the Oral English Association of China, a member of the College English-language Expert Panel of the Ministry of Education, and an expert who finalized translations of Chinese laws. Ms. Ren Xiaoping has been honored as the Distinguished Expert by the State Council.
1987-1988 Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Yale University
1997 Visiting Scholar of the Eisenhower Foundation
2000 Counselor and Spokeswoman at the Chinese Embassy in Australia
2002-2004 Deputy Director of the Translation Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the People’s Republic of China (responsible for English-Chinese translation)
2004-2007 Chinese Ambassador to Antigua and Barbuda
2007-2010 Chinese Ambassador to the Republic of Namibia
Present Expert of the Public Diplomacy Advisory Panel of the MFA, Deputy Minister of the Office of Steering Group for the Development of the Chinese Cadre Academy of Foreign Affairs, and Deputy Director of the Committee of Experts of the China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters